Grant Request Instructions
Special Project Outline
Applicants seeking funds for special projects other than capital, should use this outline referring to each point that is relevant to the propose project, present their case clearly and concisely, and adhere to the recommended space limitations. The format is intended as a guide, providing direction; not every item will be relevant to every application.
PROJECT ABSTRACT (Do not exceed one page)
Briefly summarize the proposed project. Identify the problem or need to be addressed, the project’s objectives and the proposed strategy for achieving them. Indicate the total estimate project cost, the amount requested from the foundation and identify other principal sources of support.
PROJECT NARRATIVE (Do not exceed three pages)
Introduction: Describe the organization’s capacity to undertake the proposed project. Indicate its previous achievement experience and qualifications. Document past program accomplishments and show evidence of client and community support. Address the relationship between the proposed project and the organization’s mission.
Statement of Needs Assessment: Describe the significance of the proposed project to the community. Define the scope and significance of the problem or need to be addressed by the project. Document the size and characteristics of the population to be served. Indicate the level of collaboration with other agencies serving similar populations. Indicate how the proposed project would expand or compliment existing community services.
Program Objectives: Describe the outcomes of the project in measurable terms. Who will be better off, and how, at the end of the grant period.
Methods: Indicate the sequence of activities needed to accomplish the program objectives. Describe staff qualifications and responsibilities, and staff and volunteer training, and client selection procedures or policies. Include a project timeline. Is this the best approach to achieve program objectives? Why?
Evaluation Plan: Describe how the applicant plans to measure the progress and ultimate success of the proposed project.
Future and Other Necessary Funding: Describe the financial plan for current and future support of the project. What is the rationale for the amount requested from the Emory T. Clark Family Charitable Foundation? If other funding is necessary to complete the project budget, where will it come from? If the project will be continued, how will it be supported in the future?
PROJECT BUDGET (Do not exceed two pages)
Present a line item budget including project expenses and income sources, delineating how funds requested from the Emory T. Clark Family Charitable Foundation would be spent.
Capital Request Outline
2. The following outline must be used in preparing grant proposals for capital requests. Please adhere to the recommended space limitations.
PROPOSED PROJECT (Do not exceed two pages)
Describe the project including the anticipated significance both for the organization and the community. Explain the impact of the proposed project on the organization’s operating budget. Cite other project alternatives that were considered and reasons for rejecting them. Indicate the status of any of required regulatory approval, as appropriate.
PROJECT BUDGET (Do not exceed two pages)
Present a line item budget including project expenses and income sources, delineating how funds requested from the Emory T. Clark Family Charitable Foundation would be spent.
Submit the following attachments with the completed proposal:
Complete list of the organization’s officers.
The organization’s actual income and expense statement for the past fiscal year. Identify agency’s principal sources of support.
The organization’s projected income and expense budget for the current fiscal year. Identify the projected revenue sources.
The organization’s most recent audited financial statement.
Copies of the IRS federal tax exemption determination letters.
The foundation will not make multi-year grants, but organizations will be considered on a year by year basis.